Tales of the Wandering Mercenary

Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Saturday, February 18, 2006

New Job, Life, and Stuff

So my new job is going well although it has been pretty hectic for the last three weeks. There are supposed to be 3 help desk analysts but one has not been hired yet and the other has been on paternity leave so its been just me. I can't imagine how much time I am going to have to get things done once we are fully staffed.

Paychecks are nice. Once I pay off some stuff I put on my credit card this past 6 months I am going to be set.

I have been sick off and on since November which has really sucked. It got pretty bad in January when I had bronchitus and then had strep throat with in two weeks of each other. I think I got bronchitus again after the strep but my body seems to have faught it off mostly although I still caugh now and again. I think I am finally starting to feel better and have a little more energy.

We moved our 55 gallon salt water fish tank up here last weekedn and the fish seem to be doing well. I was worried about them the first couple days they were in the tank up here because they didn't seem to be eating but they seem to have gotten over the shock and appear to be back to normal.

Other than that there is not much to tell. Life has been pretty bussiness as usual for the mercenary.