Tales of the Wandering Mercenary

Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Friday, August 11, 2006


So Renee, Blayne, and Bryan were here for the last weekend in July and we did the Disney thing. Actually we did the hit 4 parks in 2 days thing. Magic Kingdom and Epicot in one day. MGM, Animal Kingdom, and Magic Kingdom the next day. Of course we didn't do everything but we managed to get in 11 attractions the first day and a few more than that the second day.

Blayne went home proudly saying he had ridden all the mountains at Disney plus Tower of Terror and Rockin Roller Coaster. Granted the pictures we bought of Everest and Splash Mountain show quite an expression on his face.

Not that I should tease him or anything. We really should have bought the picture of my first time on Tower of Terror. I was not a fan of falling, let me tell you. That was back in December and I can proudly say that I didn't hold on for a single ride. That's quite an accomplishment for me.

On the third day they were in town we went to Cypress Gardens and rode some more rides and saw the ski show. Watching Bryan try to squeeze his knees into the wooden roller coaster was pretty funny. Actually, Bryan and Renee were pretty funny on all the thrill rides we rode the entire weekend. Matt only thought I was bad the first time I rode some of those rides. On one ride I hard Bryan ask Renee "Are your eyes open?" To which she responded, "Of course not."

Well anyway on the 4th and finale day we were supposed to go abck to Cypress Gardens and hit the water park but no one seemed to want to get moving. Ended up just hanging around the house.

It think they enjoyed their vacation though.

I know I had fun.