Tales of the Wandering Mercenary

Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Friday, December 28, 2007

End of year Wrap up

So I guess it's been a while since I poseted and I owe an end of year wrap up. Lets see what changes have happened for the mercenary in the last few months....

In August I recieved a promotion from Jr. Technical Analyst to Bussiness Analyst and was assigned to a project team. That was a learning experience for me as I was no longer doing the technical stuff that was in my comfort zone but more application side projects and reports writing. It was a good learning experience for me but not something I was sure I wanted to do for very long.

Well then in November a position became available for an Operations Support Manager. I decided it would be a good opurtunity for me to move from IS to Ops Support and get more experience in other area's of the company so I applied for the position and was offered the job. So that's what I am doing now. It shoould open oppurtunites for me in a few years to move to higher positions in operations or to move back into higher postions in IS if thats what I choose. The job is going to require lots of travel though so I guess I am still wandering.

I suppose the even bigger news is that I bought a house. I guess I just finally decided that I was really going to be here for a while, what wiht my job prospects with in the company I am at as good as they appear to be and with Matt having a pretty good job near here as well. So no more renting whoo hoo. We are in the process of moving in this week which has me pretty exhausted lately since I am basically going from work to the apartment to finish clearing it out, to the house to work on stuff there, to bed.

I guess that's about it for the year end 'cap. My sister graduated in Decemebr and I went home and got to visit with family then. We spent Christmass with my Matt's family. We going skiing in mid january. That's about all from here.

The mercenary will have to try to post more often in the new year. I hope everyone has a good one.