Tales of the Wandering Mercenary

Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A+ Certification

So one of my MBOs (goals that affect whether we get our bonuses or not) at work for the first 6 months of this year is that I obtain my A+ Certification. It's on my MBOs becuase the company basically told me they wanted me to get it ASAP.

So studying for the exam is what I have been spending alot of my time doing outside of work. My boss wanted me to actually go register fo a class at PCC or something but I kind of refused to do that. So I got a course on CD from one of the other people at work.

The annoying thing about the course on CD is that I have to sit down and watch all of the video sections even though I already know most of this stuff from past exeperience. There is just enough stuff that I don't know, that I have to watch everything to find the 1 or 2 facts in each segment that I don't know. It's very time consuming. (Just the hardware section is 55 hours of material.)

The guy giving the lectures talks to you like you are three and repeats himself alot. I want to shoot him most of the time. The other part of the time I want to shoot myself so I don't have to listen to him anymore. But I only have a few sections left on the hardware and then I get to move the software. Then I plan to review and take the exam.

Oh and then I get to pick what the next certification I am going for will be.

Ah the joys of being an IT professional.

V for Vendetta is the best movie I have seen all year!

Those of you who know me know that thats saying something since I tend to watch a lot of movies. (Though not as many as before since I have to pay for them now.)

I thought V was going to be the typical based on a comic book movie. You know, a little out of this world, a lot of action, not necessarily any real message or meaning but fun to go watch. (I really only went to see it last night becuase Matt picked it out as the best of the choices I gave him.) I was wrong! (And how often do I admitt that.)

The movie was very well done and very set in reality. I have no idea how close it comes to being true to the comic book since I have never heard of it much less read it. But I think it has a message to which people should pay attention. I won't say anything else because I don't want to give away any spoilers.

All I will say is, GO SEE V for Vendetta!