Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Sunday, March 19, 2006

V for Vendetta is the best movie I have seen all year!

Those of you who know me know that thats saying something since I tend to watch a lot of movies. (Though not as many as before since I have to pay for them now.)

I thought V was going to be the typical based on a comic book movie. You know, a little out of this world, a lot of action, not necessarily any real message or meaning but fun to go watch. (I really only went to see it last night becuase Matt picked it out as the best of the choices I gave him.) I was wrong! (And how often do I admitt that.)

The movie was very well done and very set in reality. I have no idea how close it comes to being true to the comic book since I have never heard of it much less read it. But I think it has a message to which people should pay attention. I won't say anything else because I don't want to give away any spoilers.

All I will say is, GO SEE V for Vendetta!


Blogger Sampson said...

I haven't seen the movie yet. I'm ot sure about taking any sort of message away from it, but it does look like it might be a fun one to go and see.

I think the last movie I went to was Final Destination 3. That's right. You read correctly.

All I will say about it is: it's exactly what you would expect it to be.

Thursday, March 23, 2006 11:05:00 PM  

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