Tales of the Wandering Mercenary

Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Friday, September 30, 2005

Putting my Merc Skills to work

Well I didn't really like any of the templates on here. The scribe one was the closest but I still didn't like it. So I took a little time to edit it a bit today. What do you think?

I know, I know it still needs some work. I'm not sure about the background color. I like the dar red better then the pattern that was there before though. I tried black first but it seemed to dark. I'm still working on it.

I also added an area for links in the side bar and got rid of the graphic titles for archives and Recent posts as they were in a script that didn't match the rest of the page. Very inconsistant. Tisk. Tisk. I think the side bar looks better this way at least.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

so The Wanderer is a Sociopath...big surprise

You are 57% Rational, 28% Extroverted, 71% Brutal, and 85% Arrogant.
You are the Sociopath! As a result of your cold, calculating rationality, your introversion (and ability to keep quiet), your brutality, and your arrogance, you would make a very cunning serial killer. You care very little for the feelings of others, possibly because you are not a very emotional person. You are also very calculating and intelligent, making you a perfect criminal mastermind. Also, you are a very arrogant person, tending to see yourself as better than others, providing you a strong ability to perceive others as weak little animals, thus making it easier to kill them. In short, your personality defect is the fact that you could easily be a sociopath, because you are calculating, unemotional, brutal, and arrogant. Please don't kill me for writing mean things about you!

To put it less negatively:

1. You are more RATIONAL than intuitive.

2. You are more INTROVERTED than extroverted.

3. You are more BRUTAL than gentle.

4. You are more ARROGANT than humble.


Your exact opposite is the Hippie.

Other personalities you would probably get along with are the Spiteful Loner, the Smartass, and the Capitalist Pig.

If you scored near fifty percent for a certain trait (42%-58%), you could very well go either way. For example, someone with 42% Extroversion is slightly leaning towards being an introvert, but is close enough to being an extrovert to be classified that way as well. Below is a list of the other personality types so that you can determine which other possible categories you may fill if you scored near fifty percent for certain traits.

The other personality types:

The Emo Kid: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.

The Starving Artist: Intuitive, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.

The Bitch-Slap: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.

The Brute: Intuitive, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.

The Hippie: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.

The Televangelist: Intuitive, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.

The Schoolyard Bully: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.

The Class Clown: Intuitive, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.

The Robot: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Humble.

The Haughty Intellectual: Rational, Introverted, Gentle, Arrogant.

The Spiteful Loner: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Humble.

The Sociopath: Rational, Introverted, Brutal, Arrogant.

The Hand-Raiser: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Humble.

The Braggart: Rational, Extroverted, Gentle, Arrogant.

The Capitalist Pig: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Humble.

The Smartass: Rational, Extroverted, Brutal, Arrogant.

My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

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You scored higher than 63% on Rationality

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You scored higher than 24% on Extroversion

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You scored higher than 86% on Brutality

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You scored higher than 95% on Arrogance
Link: The Personality Defect Test written by saint_gasoline on Ok Cupid

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Small Wanderings

Well I'm still not sure whether we will be staying in Coral Springs or moving to Lakeland. If we move to Lakeland it will proabably be longer then 6 months, possibly for a couple years. Matt's brother came up on the salary he is willing to pay Matt to start working up there and Matt told him he would do it but that he didn't think his dad wanted him to and he wouldn't say yes until he knew waht his dad had in mind. This is the problem with working in a family bussiness, especially a family bussiness where no one communicates.

Meanwhile, Matt went to Lakeland last Tuesday and Wenesday and I went with him since Robin (his sister in-law) had asked if I want to come up with him and hang out at their house while Matt was at work. We came back to Springs on Wenesday night. Then Matt had to return to Lakeland Saturday night to work Sunday on the pad for his brothers house. I went with him again and actually got bribed into helping them for 5 hours on Sunday. Hard back breaking work. I have to get into better shape, I have been so sore since then. At least I have enough of a tan now that I didn't burn out in the sun the way Mike (Matt's brother) did. We returned Monday night. Matt is supposed to leave tomarrow morning to go back to Lakeland through at least Saturday.

I'm begining to think that at least if we moved to Lakeland, I might get to see Matt more often and he wouldn't be exhaousted by driving. Of course, then they would proabably decide to send him to Jupiter or Tallahassee at least every other week depending on if he is still at his Dad's beck and call or only Mike's.

I just wish someone would figure out what we are doing and let me know something. And I mean some form of Long Term Plan please.

Sampson's Numerology thing

Ok. I got this from Sampson who got it online at 123 Numerology

Angele, your Life Path of 8 ...

You are a natural born winner who is destined to make a lot of money. You are confident, charismatic and most comfortable in dealing with practical, down-to-earth affairs. You are blessed with an extraordinary drive and ambition as well as a fierce competitive spirit that gives you a definite edge in career and business.

You thrive best in a job that has a predictable routine and a tall social ladder to climb. You take great pride in your physical appearance and often appear very attractive to the opposite sex, which is only a hazard if the romance happens on the job. You have excellent taste in clothes and know how to gain the focus of an entire room of strangers.

You don't have much patience with people who are dreamy or mystical in nature and are a rationalist at heart. You believe that an effect follows a definite cause and that logic and efficiency is what produces results in life. You are ruled by head and not your heart, especially in matters of business. Sometimes this gives you a bit of a reputation for being cut throat. Sometimes you are not so much respected as feared by those that you lead.

You are also the most status conscious of all of the numbers and aspire to be a pillar of the community. However, one of your life challenges might be to learn how to share your wealth in a truly philanthropic way rather than try to appear charitable for appearance's sake.

Your will and determination to succeed is unrivalled by any other number. Once you conceive of an idea you have absolutely no problem sticking with it and seeing it through to completion even if it takes a number of years. Often you win at the game of life because you had the tenacity to be the last man standing.

You tend to be connected more to material wealth than spiritual wealth and to lust more than sex. Many of you marry for social reasons or because the individual seems right for the position of spouse. Your family unit often conceals a lot of secrets as when these relationships do not work out, you cannot bear the humiliation of separation or divorce. Although you have a lot of courage in other areas of your life you often don't have the courage to end a bad relationships for fear of what others might think.

Often the strength of your personality is overwhelming for those who come into contact with you. This strong personality is fantastic when it comes to career but it can damage your relationships with family and friends. Many 8's do not have real friends but rather a collection of individuals who admire their power. Likewise there is a tendency for your family or children to feel neglected as your career takes precedence over their emotional demands. One of your life challenges is to avoid dedicating your entire life to material success and allowing for spontaneity and love in your life.

You are also very athletic and likely to be good at sports. As you like to play as hard as you work you enjoy any past time that is competitive including golf, chess, equestrian pursuits.

You are also a master manipulator who knows how to compel others to do your will. Often you are an employer or a land owner who is responsible for the livelihoods of many other people.

Being a wise provider is the way that you can most benefit others.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

The wandering continues

Ok. I felt like my one post was lonely and I needed to make more. Thats done now so...

back to the Tales of the Wandering Mercenary!

And my wandering may continue.
I just got settled in her in Coral Springs and was about to start considering looking for a job and such. Now I've been told Matt's brother wants him to move to Lakeland. So my plans are on hold until I find out whats going on. Matt doesn't like how little his brother wants to pay him but he'll go if his dad tells him to do so. But only under the condition that he's back here in 6 months to start his training in the office so he can open his own branch in the next year or so. So if we do move again will proabably be moving twice in the next 6 months and then again another 6 months or so from that. I have already grown rrather tired of moving so this could get...ugly.
But I suppose I couldn't be any more bored in Lakeland then I am here.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens.

I am a WereWolf

You scored as WereWolf. WereWolf: Craving rare Meat, feeling caged, aggitated by being around people. Unable to control one's anger or temper. The person will give off symptoms of the shift. They will seem more hostile, blood thirsty, aggitated. They may even growl, bare their teeth or other animal like tendencies. In rare cases, some will physically change. Facial hair will grow thicker or darker, nails will become longer, canine's will seem longer. Embrace your wild side, for you are The Misunderstood WereWolf.













What Mythological Creature are you? (Cool Pics!)
created with QuizFarm.com

What I'd be as a Robot

Artificial Networked Guardian Engineered for Logical Exploration

Angele is....

Well I thought I'd start this right!

angele is his girl
angele is a deep and complex character
angele is a frustrating one
angele is trusted by
angele is trusted by 11 members
angele is by no means putty in his hands
angele is a squirrel
angele is a lady who speaks both english and french and certainly doesn’t need lessons in deportment
angele is a member and five
angele is a poor farm girl working as a maid for a wealthy family in a provincial french village
angele is alternately attracted and frightened by antoine's attentions
angele is even the proud owner of hand
angele is stalked by an obsessed sculptor
angele is 17 months old and was found on main street in circleville as a young infant just a few days old
angele is away and i am melancholy
angele is a sophomore from kittanning
angele is somebody who comes at a very precise moment into the life of the
angele is a singer waiting to be discovered
angele is a gritty and determined top order batter who has performed consistently over a number of years for western australia
angele is that of a woman up for parole on a second
angele is in instigator
angele is too normal

angele is very unhappy
angele is the recipient of the thomas jefferson broadcast journalist of the year award
angele is in her senior year at norwich free academy
angele is single after a relationship that went sour when she shot her lover
angele is shaping up to be one of scotland's finest venues
angele is also staying for one full school year and is currently staying with laura schuppener
angele is a native of st
angele is outraged by the revelations and sues sybil for defamation of character
angele is an extraordinarily angry person
angele is certifiably insane
angele is edinburgh's only venue with a spaced pod
angele is the 2
angele is arranging her schedule with a lover who coldly and casually rebuffs her when she's first spotted by antoine
angele is concerned about her students' emotional needs and spiritual
angele is describing her work and picture the recycling sorting line
angele is locked out of the chat
angele is correct in assuming that the best thing for this child would be for him to grow up in the us
angele is pretty and she knows it
angele is a loser
angele is unsure whether it's a blessing or a curse
angele is a member of the burbank police officers association
angele is working with the cornwall police services as a file clerk
angele is the head librarian at the goethe
angele is putting on comedy
angele is
angele is safely in my home preparing to leave for austria
angele is remembered for her commitment to the care of the sick
angele is now seeking to further her career in special effects for film and television
angele is in the cowgate too subway also in the cowgate and elsewhere
angele is 60 degrees
angele is co
angele is convinced that love is a bad thing
angele is a classic example of the power of the matol lineup
angele is too bright for her own good
angele is a slight young woman
angele is forced to confront all of the bad memories that she had tried to put behind her
angele is not to ask
angele is currently under construction and will be a very high quality chalet indeed using traditional crafted design for the high vaulted
angele is originally from dodge city where she attended community college for a year prior to becoming a nanny for a couple in oklahoma
angele is looking out for her or
angele is played by the wonderful actress nathalie baye
angele is 28 years old
angele is the nsaa staff member who coordinates girls softball
angele is in charge of rules interpretations and conducts rules meetings for baseball and softball
angele is on the faculty of castleton college
angele is from Äpfingen
angele is being developed along napa river in napa under the helm of the same people who created auberge du soleil
angele is buried next to her husband in sturgeon bay
angele is the daughter of francois gionet and marie roussy
angele is there for you @ 212
angele is talking with
angele is >constantly ambivalent about her feminine identity
angele is nomad's new home
angele is jans einfach
angele is a single
angele is now married to rimas
angele is marta's companinon
angele is fairing
angele is an ancient
angele is in the center of events
angele is a fading beauty
angele is so sweet and modest
angele is a great
angele is still single
angele is arguably prince edward island's most dance
angele is the daughter of achiel de vos and flavia

Ok so I bolded my favorites and put some of the more intresting ones in italics.

I forgot I had an account on here.

So I was reading Inside Refernces and I made some comments, and I thought, hmm, I like the look of these blogs, maybe I'll get an account here. So when I went to sign up it told me my user name was already used. No one uses my username, ever. It's why I have kept it for so long. It's original and never taken. So I thoght, lets try logging in. And low and behold, but If I didn't already have an account and it let me log in. I forgot that I had to have a blog for one of my classes and had made it on here. So now I am a member of three differnt blogging sites.