Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Monday, October 24, 2005

Wilma was Here

(This post is backdated because I did not have power to post)

Well we woke up around 7 am to howling winds and loud crashy sounds. Wilma was here. We were able to peek out of the bathroom door to the back patio durring the storm and can say that we had lost the screen room before 7:30 am. We lost the satellight single around 8 am but were still able to watch cable until we lost power around 8:30 am. Then began along time of sitting in the dark where the only entertainment was going open the door and look out at the storm. Matt kept telling us he was going to walk around the house to check on his truck and I kept telling him that if he got killed walking out in the storm I was going to have him resurrected just so Io could kill him again.

Finally the eye got here and we went out for about 15 minutes or so to check on the buiklding and the cars. Nearly every tree had lost all of its branches but luckily it was durring the first part of the storm so the winds blew them away from the house. Also the cars were surrounded by trees but none of them appeared to be damaged.

Then it was back into the house for round 2 with Wilma. Since the house was now sheltering the back door area from most of the winds we stood at the door alot to watch the storm. Nest time we need some clear shutters in strategic places so we can see more of the storm. Anyway we took some 60 sec video and photos of the wind sweeping down the canal behind the house. When I have time and internet access later I will have to post them.

We were out of the house as soon as it shifted from hurricane force winds to tropical storm force winds. This was a little after noon I think. I'm not sure though. We took about an hour to walk the neighborhood and check out the damage. I took lots of photos.

Then it was time for cleanup to begin. Our driveway was blocked in on both sides and the street was completely in passible. You can see it in the pictures when I get them posted. So job number one was clearing our driveway, the street, and helping our neighbors clear their driveways. This took all day. We were out there until dark. We were dragging limbs by hand and pulling hugh limbs with Matt's truck. That should be an add for a Chevy Commercial.

Then we came in to quick showers to try to make the hot water last as long as possible. We went to Dan's and he cooked us frank and beans, chili, and chicken marsala for dinner on his grill.

I have one final comment for that day for all you assholes who sat around and watcvhed your neighbors clear the fucking road, GET OFF YOUR FUCKING LAZY ASSES and HELP. THe road is not going to clear itself and the city won't be through for a while. And if you can't help becuase of a physical condition, maybe you could offer your neighbors who are working a drink of water or a beer.But don't be a fucking shithead and ask people if they are getting paid to do that and when they say no say, "Well I've got some work you can do over here in my yard" And don't push limbs that were cleared off the road back into it just becasue they are on the edge of your lawn. There is a l0t of debre. If you want to be bale to drive down the road it has to go somewhere assholes.


Blogger Sampson said...

I am surprised that there were people just standing around rather than helping out with basic cleanup. It really does seem like a relatively simple way to help out your neighbors...

Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:36:00 PM  

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