Location: Lakeland, Florida, United States

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Day 2 of cleanup

(This post was backdated becuase I had no internet access due to Wilma)
After going to bed early because there was no powere and nothing to do lastnight we got up about 8:30-9am ish. Thus began the main cleanup of our house since most of yesterday was spent clearing the road.

Matt's dad had called. He had gone to west palm to check out his job sites for damage and had picked up a generator. DAn came over and wanted Matt to go with him to look for them a generator so they left also with the plan of getting ice to put in the fridge until Matt's dad got back with our generator.

That left Matt's mom and I to start on the cleanup. We started with the screen room and had most of it picked up before Matt returned. He helped us get the rest of it done and then I went for a swim to fish the pieces that were sunk to the bottom of the poool out. Actually I got in and got the stuff out of the shallow end but decided I wasn't sticking my head under the water to fish the stuff out of the deep. I used the pool broom to lift them and got that out.

By the way, the water was freezing. WE had that cold front come in after the storm. Good thing to. Otherwise we would have been miserable without a/c.

After I took a quick shower to get any bacteria from the pool off of me we went back to work on clearing trees. Matt's dad had come home and Matt and he had set the generater up by this point. However, we needed more gas so Matt went with Dan to get some from one of Dan's dads job sites. So Matt's dad and I started on the tree on the side of the house and Matt's mom came and helped us. Several hours later Matt and Dan came back and helped us finish up. Matts truck came in useful; again.

Here is a little hint of advice though guys. Don't tell me I'm going to hurt myself lifting something. I'm not going to try to pick it up unless i think I can. If I start to pick it up and realize i can't, I won't do it. I am a strong independent woman who is used to doing for herself. I know how to pick heavy shit up without hurting myself. If I need help I will ask.


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